WEEK 20 – Bearded

 WEEK 20 – Bearded

There is only 2 “bearded” men in my tree that I am aware of. 1 I used under “bearded” last year – John Valentine Thompson my 3rd great grandfather; and the other is my Uncle D but he is still alive and wont give permission to be written about as it is being published online. Therefore; I am going to go on a hunt of photos and see if I can find any others, as I’m sure there is more.

Update: I searched over 70 pages of photos linked to my tree and to my shock I found 15 more “bearded” men. Their “beards” are as different as each of the people are. But I have decided to go with Reuben ford who is the father in law of the nephew of the wife of my 3rd great grand uncle.

Reuben was born in 1849 in Linton Cambridgeshire, to Charles Ford and Sarah Coote.  He had 3 older siblings and 1 younger. On 28th August 1870 he married Susannah Barrett in Linton. They had 9 children.

On the 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901 census he is listed as agricultural labourer and on 1911 census he is listed as farm labourer. Which to be honest he has that sort of well worn outdoor type person. His “beard” would have taken a while to grow.

He died in July 1931 in Bartlow Cambridgeshire aged 82.


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