Week 23 (June 7-13): Bridge
Week 23 (June 7-13): Bridge
This weeks theme of “Bridge” would have been
great for where we scattered my parents ashes at Ashness “Bridge”
in the Lake District but I used it for a favourite place. An uncle lives in “Bridgewater”
but not much I can write about him, I had thought I may end up using a lady
called “Bridget” but when I started to type in her name, a
distant ancestor came up with the surname “Bridge” so I started
to look into him.
Edward "Bridge" was the husband of my 3rd great-grand aunt on my mothers side.
Edward “Bridge” was the eldest child and 1st
son of James “Bridge” and Susannah Starling, and brother to 9
known siblings. Edward was born on 15th July 1834 in Westerly
Waterless, Cambridgeshire, UK, he was baptised 29th March 1835 at
Westerly Waterless, Cambridgeshire.
On the 1851 census Edward was 16 and listed as a farm
labourer, in 1861 and 1871 census he is listed as an ag labourer. In 1881 he is
listed as a Hawker (I had to look this up and its someone who sells his ware in
the street by shouting about them), in 1891 and 1901 he is listed as a carrier
(again looked up and is similar to the hawker carrying and selling his own
Edward "Bridge" married Anne Seeley 3rd October 1857 in
Whittlesford, Cambridgeshire. They had one child that I am aware of – Susannah
who was born in 1858 in Cambridgeshire, she is on the 1861 census. There may have been others that were born and died between census records but there are so many with the "Bridge" surname in the area at the moment i'm saying not known, (especially as none show with mothers maiden name).
Edward died in June 1902 in Cambridgeshire
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