Week 31 (Aug. 2-8): Favorite Name

 Week 31 (Aug. 2-8): Favorite Name – clara

Many people have a “favourite name” for many reasons – it’s linked to someone close to them, it’s their own name, has a religious link to them or something else. I for one have a “favourite name” but I can’t tell you why I like it, I just do. My “favourite name” is Clara. It sounds lovely, not too posh or common, is easy to say and spell and is also slightly unusual.

It was a popular name in the late 1880-1890s and seemed to make a comeback in the 1990s but since then has gone down again in popularity, in 2020 it was at 103 in the top names list. I don’t actually know anyone called Clara.

I have loved this name for many years, but strangely it was only a passing suggestion as a name if I had had girls, I’m not sure why it wasn’t on my definite list, however, if I was to have another baby and it was a girl I am 99% certain it would now be on the list. Clara isn’t a common name, and neither are my 3 sons so would fit in well.

I have 33 ladies in my tree that have the name Clara, 25 have it as a 1st name and 9 as a middle name. These are not all direct ancestors, but some are spouses of ancestors.

I can’t say that I have a “favourite name” for males, but I always liked the name Jarred (meaning descendent), again I can’t say why I liked it or where I first heard it, I had a doll called it as a child and it’s what I named my first son.


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