52 ancetsors Week 32 (Aug. 5-11): Small


Week 32 (Aug. 5-11): Small

From Amy Johnson-Crow - Small house, tiny person, a small detail that helped unravel a mystery? How will you interpret the theme this week?

Following on from last weeks theme of “large” it’s only right we do the opposite and go ”small”. Linked to this I am using my youngest son Blake, he was born in 2009.

Blake weighed only 6lb 2oz at birth as he was 3 weeks premature. He was so “small” I even asked the midwife how much I had to feed him etc, to which she replied “you have two others you should know”. YES, I do have two other children but they were both near 8lb at birth. He was my little dinky dot, and even now he still is.

This picture shows him in his car seat at only 15 hours old, and just how “small” he was, this is a normal “new born” baby car seat. Even with the added head hugger he was only just big enough to use it safely. All of his clothes were too big for him as we had bought newborn size, and we had to order tiny baby as even the Prem clothes were too big for him. Some of his outfits were from the “newborn baby doll” range (yes he wore doll’s clothes as was all I could get to fit him!)  Nappies we had to have some from the hospital until his dad was able to go to a shop and buy prem nappies. We hadn't expected to arrive when he did or to be so "small".

Even now, at almost 11years old he is still really “small” for his age. He has just gone into age 8years clothes. Many of his friends are head and shoulders above him. However, what he lacks in size he makes up for in mouth and attitude – they are far from “small”.

Like his brothers, his hair was blonde when little and it’s got darker as he got older. However, his is still a light brown with blonde high-lights (natural) and is quite curly when wet. His hair is the lightest of the 3 of them.

This photo is his 1st senior school photo, taken October 2020.  It makes his hair look much darker than it is, but you can see his highlights in it.

Even though he is "small" he is a lovely lad, he has a heart of gold and will help anyone, no task is too much and he will try anything. He has been involved with St John Ambulance and is also involved with the local scouts. He doesn't let his size affect him and he wont take being picked on due to his size. He is a fiesty little thing and has my temper!!!



    Week 32 (Aug. 5-11): Small
    From Amy Johnson-Crow - Small house, tiny person, a small detail that helped unravel a mystery? How will you interpret the theme this week?

    Following on from last weeks theme of “large” it’s only right we do the opposite and go ”small”.
    Linked to this I am using my youngest son Blake, he was born in 2009.
    Blake weighed only 6lb 2oz at birth as he was 3 weeks premature. He was so “small” I even asked the midwife how much I fed him etc, to which she replied “you have two others you should know”. YES, I do have two other children but they were both near 8lb. He was my little dinky dot, and even now he is.
    This picture shows him in his car seat at a few hours old, and just how “small” he was, this is a normal “new born” baby car seat. Most of his clothes were too big for him, and we had to order tiny baby as even Prem clothes were too big. Some of his outfits were from the “newborn baby doll” range (yes he wore doll’s clothes as was all I could get to fit him!)


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