Covid 19 (coronavirus, CV19).....we will survive this (or dye trying to) week 5

 This is the plan, we've survived to week 5 and hope to stay alive during week 5.

DAY 29 - Tuesday 14th April 2020

Welcome to my world, this is real life for me, i can't shut my mind off, i try counting sheep and get the following (as left) or i try and count sheep and get 1 sheep 2 sheep, old mcdonald had a farm, hey macarena! And what do you know i'm even more awake. This is soooo not fun.

Today i have seen 2 beings that resemble "humans" and both spoke to me! 1 was playing knock door run, i believe he learnt this as a teenager and it's now his job as a postman. The 2nd was the guy delivering my tea of takeaway pizza. The kids were not impressed with me as i managed to order "pepperoni passion" pizza NOT "double pepperoni" and this meant that it had peppers, onions and mushrooms on it. YUCK!!! I told them to pick it off. It wasn't done on purpose, i saw pepperoni and clicked it.

School has resumed today, well i say school but i mean "Mum's school". The kids get up when they please, have breakfast if they want, get dressed if they can be bothered, BUT they do have to do the set schoolwork from their teachers. Once they have done it they can do their own thing. So if they complete it in an hour they have the rest of the day, if it takes them 5hrs then tough.

Let me properly introduce you to myself and my children, I probably should have done this at the start but now seems better than never and I can add more info to their fact files!

This is B, he's the youngest of the 3 at aged 10years. He has said he's bored more times than i could count, but if i had £1 for each i'm 99% certain i would be a millionaire today alone. He has an answer for everything even when it doesn't require an answer. He has 2 volumes - loud and louder. He actually has a pillow that sums him up, it says "I don't do quiet!". He can argue that the sky is pink and win the arguement (I dare you to try and convince him otherwise if hes this side up!)

Meet K, he's the middle child of them and 14yrs old. He thinks his brothers owe him as they had an extra week off school before the government shut down all schools. His "clothing" consists of pjs, pj shorts, normal shorts and t-shirts. He has moaned hes too cold in just a tshirt and too hot in a jumper. No pleasing some people. He hates the fact the world and his wife are all online and probably playing the same game as him.

Then comes J, my 1st born and the eldest of them at 17. He has taken self-isolation to heart, is living in his bedroom and emerges only for food, toilet or to moan the internet has gone down etc. I do think his room has become a black hole for cups and plates. His "morning" is anytime after 2pm, hes become more nocturnal than ever. He doesn't think lockdown is fair, it's ruining his life, he wants to be at college. The fact this lockdown is on everyone and not just him seems irrelevant. Can you imangine how the poor boy would feel if this was only him! He's given up on human snacks and has started to eat cat and dog biscuits, he's becoming ferral.

Lastly is me, Mum, Amy. I was crazy before all of this lock-down stuff, and think this is only adding to it. I've not completely lost it (yet), nor have i locked myself in the bathroom (except to have a bath), i've not drank the house dry of alcohol - if i had i wouldnt be able to type this, I have eaten all of my chocolate. I do think that teachers should be paid much more than they are, they have to deal with 25 plus kids all at once, 3 is hard enough.

My boys are my world and even though they can (and do) argue over anything - coat hangers (he has my green hanger), juice (i was taking that to Mum not you), computer games (your not playing it i am), air (stop breathing the same air as me) NOW this last one did make me laugh, but i did tell them that they deal with it or go to seperate rooms! I wouldn't be without them.

DAY 30 - Wednesday 15th April 2020

This just about sums up how i'm feeling today. I have no idea of what day it is, I have no energy, i've hardly slept for days due to pain and not being able to shut to off. I dropped a crisp on the floor under edge of sofa and the dog was there with his tongue stuck out trying to get it. (He didnt succeed.)

As per the pic to the right, we had no fighting, arguing or crying and no one was sick! So a good day. HOWEVER, i do want to know  who has taken my children and replaced them with the 3 here today. They even helped each other with homework! (I think i need a large drink due to shock!) Large quantities of chocolate have been consumed by all.

Scissors, sellotape and duct tape seem to have grown legs and gone against the government advice and left the house for no reason, they will be fined if they get caught! I will deny ownership of said objects!

B said he was bored and the kitten brought him a ball of screwed up foil and had a look on her face of "have you tried batting this around the floor or dropping it on a human?" He obliged the cats request and threw it for her and she brought it back to him!

Today marks the 108th anniversary since the Titanic sank. In memory of this we watched the film (well most of it the DVD had scratches so we didnt see the last 15minutes). B was quiet through it all and sat and watched it (this shocked me), he asked questions about it and then did some worksheets i had printed for him linked to it. He may not have managed to do his school maths work but he DID do some work, and this linked to history is probably more important than changing the wording to make a coding thing in maths.

DAY 31 Thursday 16th April 2020

OMG! WHO took a photo of me??? (joking, it's not me), but it could well be with the way things are going! The kids and the cats are becoming more feral as we go.

Lockdown has been extended today for at "least" another 3 weeks, but there has been suggestion that it could last until at "least" June! I think i will have got grey hair by then and gone totally insane. Does anyone know where i can get 1 of those jackets that let you hug yourself?

This was soooooo today, they were outside cutting the grass and picking up weeds and sorting the garden steps out. The grass was about 1foot high coming from garden over the steps and i'm sure it was tickling people's legs as they came up the steps (mainly the postie as he wears shorts). I'm sure it will be appreciated that i've done it, but there again he may have liked it!!!

B got in a MEGA strop with me as he didn't know how to do his maths homework and i couldn't help him with it, he argued with me that he didn't understand his english work and he wasn't doing it! I asked him if he would be arguing with his "proper" teachers like this and got told no. So i told him, i'm his teacher not his mum at this moment and therefore he stops his attitude or he wont be allowed to play on laptop after work is done. He calmed down and did his work and then went out on the bouncy castle. K did his work when he got up and then sorted the front garden for me. J was woken up, but he decided that he wasn't getting up and went back to bed. He did eventually get out of bed.

HAHA! how funny and true is this??? Now the UK is on an extended lockdown, idiots have been panic buying agan today and there is limited supplies in shops. But yes, parents if your losing loo rolls go check under your son's beds!!!

DAY 97541(32) - Friday 17th April 2020

I can totally agree to this, today has really dragged. It feels much more than just 32 of isolation as per my title (day 9754132) lol. No idea why it feels like this but it does. A friend shared the rules of "lock-down" and they are so correct (see separate post of todays date for them!) They are funny in a way. Kind of remind me of the rules of cricket!

Home-schooling has gone well, we all made it to friday! I'm not stressed at all, however the picture the boys took of me (right) could say other wise! We only had a couple of small arguments, 1 from B over him not wanting to do his work as didnt understand it (he did but wanted to play on his laptop). 1 between K and B as K raised his voice and B told him not to shout at him, K responded with "i'm not shouting but i can if you want me to!" Me and J also had words as I woke him up this morning and he moaned its a weekend so he doesnt have to get up, i told him its friday and got well "i dont have college on a friday". And he went back to bed, he was woken up 3 times!

In 1966 The Beatles released a song called "we all live in a yellow submarine". (Some of the words are as follows:) "We all live in a yellow submarine, Yellow submarine, yellow submarine, We all live in a yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine."
If you change the words to this pic it still fits the song, and at the moment we are in quarantine. Just a bit of fun in this dark, strange and gloomy time.

More household objects appear to have left the house, namely double sided tape, a hairbrush, a sharp knife and the dvd controls. We have no idea where they are! I'm hoping that they are not being stashed somewhere incase of need during this "apocalypse".

Magic still hasn't come home sadly and we are almost at 2 weeks now. I miss my boy so much. We took skitty-kitty out in the garden (in our arms as not had her injections yet) and the poor baby was meowing and shaking physically. It wasn't cold outside at all, she just seemed really scared. But then she is only small and the world is so big. She had been trying to get out of the window like the other cats do. Hopefully she will become ok once she's used to life out there.

A gentleman called Captain Tom Moore, was a WW2 soldier. He fought for his country and survived. He is 99years old and turns 100 at the end of the month. He decided that during this hard time of quaratine he was going to walk 100 laps of his garden to raise money for the NHS, he wanted to make £1000. His story made the press and as of today he has raised £18million pounds. Captain Tom you are a true inspiration to all us all. I hope your family and friends are proud of you, I am and I don't even know you!

DAY 33 - Saturday 18th April 2020

Life is so unfair, I really do hate my humans at this point. I had such big plans for today..... to go in and out of the window as many times as i could (meaning they had to get up to let me in or out), chasing leaves, sleeping in the sun, meeting up with the neighbourhood cats choir (who usually on practice between midnight and 3am in our garden), maybe catching a mouse for them as a gift. BUT no, all my plans had to be changed and i had to stay indoors and isolate because they made it rain! It really does suck being a cat! It's a good job that i have a comfy bed (my humans NOT in it at the moment), plenty of food thanks to the humans and i've practised this stay at home lark for many years now!

A friend posted this on FB the other day and I had to save it and share today. HOW have i got to age 39 and never noticed the word "TURD" in the middle of the day??? HOW have i managed to have 3 sons and NOT one of them has ever pointed it out to me, yet "poo" and "turd" things are always pointed out and laughed at! I now can't un-see it! lol!

This fits in really well with the current situation we are all stuck in. Use this time to relax (if you can) and do nothing, be lazy for once in your life and enjoy doing it. Take time for yourself and think about you and reflect on all things. I didn't get up until 11:45am today and that was only because the kitten kept licking and biting me as she was hungry. I've not had that late a lie in for ages.

The house is very quiet as only got K here, the other 2 are at their Dads. K has spent the day in bed after he eventually got out of it at 2pm and told me he felt sick - errr get upstairs where the toilet is then please. (i DON'T do sick!) So he took his laptop and went back to bed.

The weather has been dry some of the day, but turned cloudy and cold at about 3pm and then rained on and off. I've not been outside though, i'm still in my PJ's.

DAY 34 - Sunday 19th April 2020

Not sure that Skitty-kitty knows where Narnia is or even what it is BUT at 6am today she climbed into my wardrobe and the door shut behind her. She started off with a quiet meow which slowly got louder and louder as she couldn't get the door to re-open! This puts a whole new take on "the lion, the witch and the wardrobe" (she's a cat that thinks she's bigger than she is, i call her a little witch and she was in a wardrobe.)

Today has been brought to you by coffee. I am so ready for my bed soon!

The dog has been sick multiple times, i have no idea of what he has eaten that he shouldn't have done, but anything is possible with him! He thinks he's a goat crossed with a magpie - if it's shiny or he can find a way to eat it he steals it to his cage. He is normally on the go constantly, he doesn't stop apart from the odd nap. He's been laid on the floor looking very sorry for himself, and has tears in eyes. I'm hoping he will be ok tomorrow or it could be a trip to the vets. He's been outside loads and everytime he starts eating grass.

This is so going to be tonight, despite me being very tired. Both of my knees are playing up again to the extent I have supports and pain patches on both. Severe pain in them, hurts to keep still, hurts to move them, pain killers not doing much. Oh what fun this is! But I know that i will be like it for a few days. No idea what ive done to set them both off again. Usually it's just my left that's bad.

This picture is very true. I am missing some of my close friends very much, my best friend especially, it's horrible not being able to see him but I would rather us both be safe and be able to meet up once all this has gone away than one or both of us dead and never see the other again.

K has been feeling sick the past 2 days, no idea why. He hasn't been sick nor has he got a temperature, or chest pains, dizzyness or any of his usual symptoms. I'm hoping that it isn't anything serious, but as no other symptoms i'm guessing could be a bug and NO NOT CV19!

For most of the UK tomorrow marks the start of week 4 or week 5 of lock-down, but not us, tomorrow is the end of week 5 for us out of the 12 in order to keep K safe. But if the government decide to extend it for everyone again like they did on thursday then who knows how long it will be. The governement has said that there is no plan on re-opening the schools just yet or on the 7th May (as people have started saying) when they review the whole lock-down situation again.

Something i've not done linked to the CV19 is a facts and figures (as it's too depressing). But the current figures linked to CV19 as off 8pm today for the UK only are as follows:

  • More than 372,967 people have been tested
  • Confirmed cases of CV19 are 120,067 
  • There has been 16,060 deaths, of which 15,464 have been in hospital, there maybe more that have died outside of hospitals that are not yet known and of this total 596 were in the past 24hours
  • There are 12,812 confirmed cases in the North West of England (where i live fits into the North West) of which Cumbria has 1,429 which is the 2nd highest in this region

DAY 35 - Monday 20th April 2020

HAHA! This is so true. I'm sure I would get a better response from the wall than the children. J has been hiding out in his room again, and has had to be called multiple times when wanted. K has been in his room all day as didn't have any work to do. B said he had done his work (and i believed him and let him out on the bouncy castle) only to find out at bed time that he hadn't done it. This means he has double to do tomorrow!

This is J - let me out before I go totally insane! I'm losing the plot more and more as each day merges into the next one. However, he is being really good and only going out when he has to. He does understand the seriousness of all of this and the reason why he has to stay at home. He's sat playing with a water spray bottle (we use when the dog chases the cats) and has sprayed his leg and declared it looks like he's weed himself!

On your maks.....get set.....go.....I said GO! OMG they are stuck in the starting blocks! Oh wait, they are cats in cardboard boxes, they wont go anywhere. My cats are like number 1 (Magic who is missing), 2 (Starla), 3 (Phoebe skitty-kitty) and 6 (Flame). I'm just missing the others to complete the set! LOL! I think my kids would desert ship if i got even more cats.

Both of my knees are still playing up and hurting to move and walk. It doesn't help that I took B on a nature walk around the area today as part of his work that I had set for him to do. He found most things on his list, but no ants, no squirrels, no worms and no frogs (but you don't find frogs in the woods!)


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