Oh yes, I know the feeling well....
DAY 43821 (aka 43) Tuesday 28th April 2020
Yep this is life as we know it at the moment. Anything out of the ordinary every curtain in the street is twitching or they are all out in their gardens to see what is going on. This certainly is a strange time.
Things haven't been too bad today, but even so I have decided that i no longer want to be an adult and i'm going into hiding under a blanket fort (possibly known as my bed!)
The weather is horrid and wet so the kids can't even go outside to burn off excess energy. This also means we can't go out and put up flags and stuff ready for VE Day.
The kitten is back to being possessed by the devil, the eldest is still learning about hibernation (known as sleeping!) B has done his school work and is bored and K has done his work and is killing zombies again.
There's no news on when things are going to change yet.
DAY 44 Wednesday 29th April 2020
OH yes i can definately relate to this! Things are slowly getting worse and i'm loosing my marbles, however if you ask the kids they will most likely say i didnt have any to start with. It's a good job i still have a snese of humour.
This is exactly how today started. No sooner had it started i wanted it to end. The cats were fighting in my bedroom and on my bed and woke me up. Not long after getting up i set B off doing his homework which was about compairing wartime food with now days. I said he could use a picture of cheese as he's a mouse and loves it and his reply was "mouse says oink oink". Please help me!
I don't think there is enough coffee in the world strong enough to get me through today in one piece so i will finding something better or stronger (or that will make me not care!)
This has got to have been the longest, worst, dragging month in history, it seems to have had more days than the whole of 2020 has so far. Things can only get better (hopefully), as i cant see that they can get any worse and no thats NOT a challenge!!!
DAY 45 - Thursday 30th April 2020
This situation is no longer fun, every day is a battle! A battle of more coffee, a battle to get J and K out of bed, a battle of wills between me and B (he's a mini me!), a battle between the cats and everything else. I've not yet been promoted from teacher to a higher rank!
As per the picture right i have no idea of what day it is - i had even managed to get the days and dates mixed up on here and had to go back to last week to see where i had gone wrong. I do agree that more wine is probably required though.
I have spent the day doing craft things ready for VE Day next week. Me and B have made some "Tommies" (soldier silouettes) to go in windows. They look really good. Still got more to do and loads of decorations to put outside in the garden. i just hope the weather stays dry for it.
DAY 46 - Friday 1st May 2020
This so could be Skitty-kitty, it seems the type of thing she may do. I am 99% certain that when she is allowed out (currently not had injections due to lockdown) she will come home with a seagull in her mouth!!! As she is a proper tabby she has the mask markings round her eyes and face.
Meet "Tommy" the 1st of our window soldiers we made. He is proudly in our lounge window. They have increased in numbers and we have 1 in the dining room window and 1 in the upstairs landing window. We have another waiting to be cut out and 3 waiting to be painted. Plus we have a 3.5ft one that has been painted and laminated and fixed to a pole to go out in the garden on the 8th for VE Day. Me and B are really pleased with them. I am debating about making them for the neighbours gardens as well but not sure they will appreciate them.
We haven't gone totally mad yet, but we are working on it. Not much else to report.
DAY 47 - Saturday 2nd May 2020
Ummmmm, not really tense but tired, sleepy, no energy etc. My sister rang and woke me up at 09:35am (how rude!), i had just got off the phone when the doorbell went so i had to get up, it was the postie playing knock door run and my parcels were on the step and he was back in the van.
The sun is back shining, so i plan to get the rest of the banners and bunting up - well the proper plastic ones as they will withstand the weather, those we have made and laminated wont be going up until thursday just encase it rains as i dont want the ink to run on them.
There is no movement in the house except me, B is at his Dads, J and K are still in the land of nod, the dogs asleep on sofa, Phoebe is asleep on back of sofa and the other 2 cats are outside. It is erily quiet in the house.
J (sat on toilet) shouts omg thats a big one, an african man would think he's lost his arm! THIS IS WHAT LIFE HAS BECOME! 2020 the year when SHIT got real. lol!
DAY 48 - Sunday 3rd May 2020
This was so last night! After receiving bad news about a family member I opened a bottle of wine. Skitty-kitty stuck her head in my glass and drank and then licked it off my finger as i removed her from it. The cat like wine!
Yep all we can do is what the 2 pics below say - hang and on stay positive in this bad time.
not much has happened today, i'm really tired and have no energy
DAY 49 - Monday 4th May 2020
I'm pretty sure this is how i looked when i woke up this morning. I didn't sleep well last night no idea why. All days are the same and are merging into each other. If it wasn't for the fact that day is light and night is dark i would say that i don't even know which of the 2 it is! It's not good and starting to drag.
Oh yes, i know this so well. 2 pairs of my jeans have taken up social distancing and the button/zip dont meet and the 3rd pair i can't even get up over my a*se! I've put weight back on that i had lost over the past year. Not good!
I shared this on FB last week but forgot to add it on here. Gynae visits are very important but this is quite funny in the light of the UK/World situation at the moment. a few of my friends commented on it - "my husband wont let me use his laptop, i'm a f*nny expert please send pics to..." etc. i'm glad they saw the funny side of it and took no offence. Bit tough if they did.
Added some more bits to garden for VE day on friday - this time it was the information on my Grandad's and a tommy silouette on the gate. I *think* we are almost done now. Just the last bits on Friday to go out and cakes to make.
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