Covid19 (Coronavirus, CV19) We will survive this.....(or die trying to) Week 6

 Welcome to week 6 of my ramblings, i'm still here are you?

DAY 36 - Tuesday 21st April 2020

I wouldn't say that things have got bad but yea i'm making jokes (according to the kids they are not funny but the best they can expect from me! Gee thanks!) SO, as they don't think they are funny i'm laughing at them myself.

 I can so agree with this today didn't start well, it started before I went to sleep last night (well this morning) as I was awakw until gone 3am with pain in both of my knees. At 6am (ish) Starla and Phoebe were fighting on my bed and kept using my knees as a trampoline. I got back to sleep and what felt like a short time later the doorbell went and woke me up again (it was gone 9:30am). B got my parcel from the doorstep. I got up and woke the older 2 up. I have no idea what the voices in my head are upto, or where my personality has gone!

I have had multiple cups of coffee (made by the kids) and it hasn't helped with my tiredness or lack of energy. I'm up and awake, if you want bright eyed and bushy tailed go and find a bloody squirrel!

I do think jump leads may be the way we need to go but even then i'm not sure they will give me the boost i need.

The trampoline eventually arrived, only to find out that the instructions on building it are NOT in English at all. FUN! I couldn't do much, the boys were struggling so i rang their Dad to come and help build it for them. We got the main bit done but not the safety net as need a socket to tighten the bolts more. But he's going bring one tomorrow to sort it.

School work has been completed (eventually) as J decided he wasn't getting up and went back to bed until 12. However, this did lead to me taking a photo of him asleep and uploading to the college "what have you learnt competition" - He's doing animal management, so what he's learnt is about hibernation! the college liked my post. Fingers crossed we win one of the prizes.

DAY 37 - Wednesday 22nd April 2020

HAHA. this is funny, skitty-kitty stands like this at times. Not that she has a band of mere cats to do it with!

This is exactly how it feels, different day same bollocks. All days are merging into one and it's the same thing over and over again.

I'm still in pain with both knees and can't do much. I had to go out on mobility scooter as I couldn't walk far due to pain, even just round the house is killing me.

The kids are being great and helping me out loads, as well as doing their school work and stuff. The trampoline is now sorted (except for ground stakes) and B is very happy to have it and be able to go out and bounce loads!

I need to see if i can find some of these "sleeping pills" as i can't remember when i last had a decent night's sleep.

As i was awake last night i sat up watching the meteor shower i dont think it was as good as it was made out it was going to be. There was no balls of fire shooting through the sky, just odd little twinkles like stars.

DAY 38 Thursday 23rd April 2020

 Day 38, none of us have killed anyone, the kids are still doing their work (when they eventually get up). Schools are still checking in daily. The cats seem to think we shouldn't be in their house all the time and that they are incharge - their ancestors of being classed as kings and/or gods seems to be making an appearance and we (humans) need to remember this!

The weather has been hot again, to the extent me and B managed to get sunburnt yesterday, even though the sun didn't seem that hot. I even said to B if it stays like this we will need to get the suncream out (guessing too late).

I did think this picture was funny linked to the weather being hot and things melting. But it does beg the question of is this how "Snowflakes" or "snowmen" are made??? Answers on a postcard please!

There has been talk that lockdown of the vulnerable and those over 65years of age could be extended or in place until the end of the year! Oh what fun that will be.

We have decided that we are going to hold a VE Day garden party and invite the neighbours close to us to "join us from their own gardens". Hopefully it won't just be us outside!

Not much else has happened really, we are all still alive and not gone totally mad (or madder than we already were).

DAY 39 - Friday 24th April 2020

This soooooo made me laugh. It kind of lost it's effect when i had to explain it to a child though. BUT it's still funny. I like unicorns and did long before they became the "in-thing". I absolutely hate sweet corn and i've only ever tried to ride a unicycle once. But like the picture, the sun is shining again, the grass is green and i've not fallen off the wheel yet!

We have survived another week of home-school education (just). The kids haven't requested a new teacher (yet). The teacher hasn't quit (there's still time). And ofsted haven't visited (next week apparently). Monday started off good but by friday coffee wasn't enough (or strong enough). I'm glad today is done. The boys have all done their work and finished all bits that had been started, so we can start monday as a new week with no outstanding bits and bobs. (YAY!)

As the weather was nice i decided to do a BBQ. We had charcoal and food etc, K went outside to clean BBQ and came back in to tell me that the whole of the "pit" is rusted through and has a big hole in it! (See pic). I'm not sure who thought it was a good idea letting me loose with a BBQ, but apparently the smoke signals i was sending were an offer of marriage to a native red indian squaw in some far off land of USA or the trade of a child for a camel in Egypt!!! LOL! The food was cooked and we survived it. The hole in the firepit got even worse (i think from the heat of cooking above it) and most of the base has now gone! So i need to buy a new firepit!

DAY 40 Saturday 25th April 2020

 This is how life feels right now - going downhill fast with a big zoom lens and nothing we can do about it! I do have cameras but not a new one (at the moment). I have a DSLR, a small compact camera and a very small (credit card size) pocket camera. All are as good as the next and used depending on where i'm going or what i'm doing. I've not taken many photos since lockdown began but there again there's only so many things you can take shut up in your own house!

This is sad but true, 1620 there was an assortment of pandemics in USA, 1720 the bubonic plague in France, 1820 cholera pandemic (didnt start in 1820 just before), 1920 the spanish flu, 2020 coronavirus pandemic! Can anyone else see a paten here and history repeating itself or only me? The dates are not exact as some did start before the 20's like CV19 did!

 I am 99% certain this is based on my cats! I emptied out the litter trays today (nothing new there) but i had 2 cats watching me do it with very puzzled looks on their faces! They followed me from tray to tray (we have 4 as had 4 cats - Magic still hasnt come home!) No sooner had i finished the last tray skitty-kitty had managed to tip litter all over the floor at 2/4 trays - she didnt even use them just stood and kicked  litter in pure disgust! lol!

I've sat and done some stuff for VE Day today, printed bits off and got them ready to laminate. I've shared some with neighbours on FB and the local councillor is encouraging people to hold a VE Day party from their own garden to remember it. SO, if the police come to us i will send them his direction as he has said to do it!

So my exciting life of today has come to an end and in a last burst of excitement I am going "night clubbing". I'm heading up to the top floor of Club 207, heading into the master room and going to club bed which has special guests this evening of DJ Pillow and MC Blanky, hopefully accompanied by sound asleep! I'm hoping for a goodnight and will see you in the morning.

DAY 41 - Sunday 26th April 2020

OMG! This had me howling. I can soooo see my cats doing this. They really don't understand why the "little people" are here all day everyday (they are used to me - well maybe not as much as i am at the moment but more than the boys). I think it would be skitty-kitty as part of her plan to take over the world!!! I'm not sure she needs knives though as her claws are sharp enough to do damage (i'm covered in scratches from her!)

This is very much today, i don't do mornings BUT when Flame (cat) decided to stay outside all night and wakes you up very early meowing her head off like something possessed (or shes been hurt) you drag your ar*e out of bed to find out what's wrong to be greeted with this:
YEP! sat in front garden as proud as can be with a bloody RAT! At a guess I would say from head to tail was about 20cm long! REALLY CAT??? Thank you for my gift but rat is not my idea of breakfast! Safe to say Flame and the rat were left in the garden!

Skitty-Kitty is in full form this morning, running about like a lunatic, she's nuttier than squirrel shit i tell ya! Into everything, using anything as a springboard, climbing the net curtains and all sorts. PLEASE send me help!

Yesterday on FB i saw this "Virtual festival" being advertised, i had no idea of what it was going to be like but  thought "what the hell" it's free i will watch it! I tuned in at 1pm for the start of it and it has just finished at 10:15pm. I have sang and danced of sorts (if waving my arms and a bottle of pink gin in the air counts), i have laughed and it has been great. The performers did a great job and were raising money for a local chairty. I donated some money to their cause, and they smashed their initail target by 1000 times the amount. Well done to all involved in it. It's things like this that make being an "adopted cumbrian" so great.

DAY 42 Monday 27th April 2020

I got bored so i decided to give the kitten false buck teeth! haha! (not mine, i don't have the will power to come up with things like this, hats off to those that do! I just copy them). However skitty and starla decided that 5:45am was a great starting time to be fighting on my bed, using anything and everything as a springboard and wouldn't go away! At 6:15am i gave up trying to get back to sleep and got up and fed them. This was met by more running around and fighting from the pair of them until Starla got bored and went outside.

Today being a monday my eldest and his Dad went to do the shopping. I thought that this pic to the right was a funny and apt with the situation at the moment and many idiots not understanding the stay away from each other so new shopping trolleys have been brought out to make it easier to stay apart! And as per the pic left even the local bloody seagulls (rats with wings and no brain cells between them) get this social-distancing  thing so WHY can't people get it??? This logic is beyond me i tell ya.

We had a BBQ for tea part cooked by J and part cooked by me, a few arguments over how to do it best, a burnt sausage, 3 disintergrated burgers, loads od smoke signals and a bottle of gin later we managed to cook and eat it all.

This marks the end of week 6. We have made it, we are all alive (maybe not fully functioning but alive all the same). There has been very limited fighting between the kids, the animals are still all here and we've not made imaginary friends yet! BUT this pic sums it all up!


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