Week 12 (March 18th -24th ): Popular

From Amy Johnson Crow – Do you feel like you have an ancestor who everyone is researching? How about a first name that's popular in your family? Maybe there's a story of a particularly popular ancestor.

With the theme of “popular” I don’t have any surnames or first names that are linked to this theme in any type of way. Therefore, I have taken it to share data linked to all of my ancestors and not about one in particular. By this I mean that I have used a tool from a family tree maker programme and worked out the most “popular” names in my tree. I have done this for males, females and surnames.

It is quite interesting to see the numbers, but to be honest the most “popular” names aren’t really surprising or shocking, and are most likely what you would expect in the way of names (and are possibly the same for most people’s trees.) It also shows that I have more males than females in my tree. What did surprise me in a way was that my maiden name of Lackey (and the reason I started the tree) wasn’t in the top 10 list of “popular” names, but I have added it to my chart, I think it was 16th or 17th on the list.  The reason it is so low is the family are from Ireland and there are very records online or in existence generally. The most "popular" surname is my Mum's maiden name and the other surname that her ancestors swapped between using - Bigmore and Haylock.

Below I have added the charts that I have made showing the names and how “popular” they are.


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