Covid-19 (Coronavirus/CV) We will survive this.....(or die trying to) (Week 2)

This is week 2 of self-isolation. I'm still alive and haven't lost the plot yet.....

DAY 8 - Tuesday 24th March 2020

Today seems to have really dragged and 5 minutes seems like an hour. I had tried to do some bits on the family tree but the site keeps crashing (guessing everyone has had the same idea).

J, K & B have all done the school/college work that has been set for them. I've told them if they get it done in the morning they can do their own thing for the rest of the day.

I had a food delivery order arrive from Approved foods. Some of the bits in "the cupboard filler mystery box" we wont eat but they can go to the food bank. So will help someone. The box it came in was huge and I said could make B into a turtle with it, however, this has turned into him being a robot. (There will be more on this over the next few days as we progress with it).

I've replaced the broken tumble dryer pipe with a metal one, hopefully this one wont rip like the thin plastic one did.

K and B have started fighting over a cardboard box if you please! SEND HELP (or vodka/gin!!) Hopefully this isn't the start of what's to come.

The government have backtracked on only 1 person in a car IF it is linked to children of split families and isn't daily. So, this means the boys can see their Dad but not on our normal rota. I will have them week days and their Dad over weekends.

DAY 9 - Wednesday 25th March 2020

The boys have done their school work and helped with jobs around the house, including cutting the grass (this is so they can have the bouncy castle out if it stays dry!)

We have been invaded by "Clank" the cardboard box robot. We have made more of him and he's going to be the star of B's school English story he has to write as well as our kitten. I am going to do a full write up on my personal blog so I will add the link to here. (Ignore the mess this is from us cutting cardboard boxes, pieces of paper and tape etc).

I spoke to the neighbour today (he was in his garden and i was in mine, both happened to go out at some time). He's struggling with his health as had hospital apps cancelled etc. I told him if anything I can do to let me know, as can get Peter to get shopping etc.

I'm fed up of people NOT keeping to the "UK being grounded" and still going out in groups and others who are classed as "Professionals" thinking it doesn't apply to them and them coming round my house (I didn't let them in though!)

Things must be getting bad as I've voluntarily started cleaning (and i'm not a domestic goddess by any means! I clean and tidy because i have to!)

I've received vouchers from the schools towards meals at lunchtime which is a great help. We still have food and the kids are eating what i give them and sticking to one or two snacks a day, they've not eaten everything in sight. A small bottle of pink gin has been consumed today!

I have spoken to my best friend and all's good with him, hes just had a lot on and been busy and he's still at work as classed as a key worker.

DAY 52917 (DAY 10) - Thursday 26th March 2020

Day 52917 of self-isolation (or at least it feels like it). Today I've concluded that:

  • common sense is lacking by many people! Do as your bloody told! (not my kids.) The sooner you all stay at home the sooner we will all be allowed to go out.
  • people are trying to p**s me off by sending me stuff linked to CV19 even though I've asked them not to.
  • my garden needs flattening out for bouncy castle safety.
  • the kitten is possessed by the devil (I have the teeth and claw marks on my arm and hand to prove this.
  • I've had enough of eating chicken for meals.
  • I've run out of chocolate
  • pink gin bottle number 3 has been consumed (they are stubby bottle size before anyone kicks off!)
  • my kids will argue over anything.
  • watching paint dry seems like a good activity, except I don't have any to use.
  • not only do I have a 3ft high cardboard robot in my lounge I now have a kitten sized robot which has wonky legs! (if it keeps my son amused he can make a whole zoo of robots - PLEASE DON'T TELL HIM THIS!)
  • if I catch up with the mosi (or it's family) that bit me in the garden today it will die quickly. The lump surrounding the bite is the size of a 50p coin and hurts like hell.
  • if I make it to the other side of this without losing the plot I will need a holiday.
  • ***I've not gone crazy enough that I feel the need to bleach everything. (but there's still time!)***
DAY 11 - Friday 27th march 2020

The bloody mosi that bit me yesterday has a lot to answer for, i'm now on antibiotics as the bite has become infected in a very short time - lots of green pus from it, very hot and swollen. I have never known a bite go like it on me before. I wonder if it's linked to medications?

It's been too cold to put the bouncy castle up today, so B has been bouncing around the room like he's possessed! J is taking isolation very seriously and is still hiding out in his room unless he has to come out. I've actually seen more of K the past week than i have in the past month as he's taken the "stay at home on the sofa" literally and has set up camp on the sofa bed.

There has been no more robots appear, but i'm sure there will be, maybe they are what is going to take over the planet!!!

The news today is that BOJO has COVO! 

DAY 12 - Saturday 28th March 2020

Where do i start? Social Distancing what is it? Something most people of the UK don't seem to be able to get the grasp of. Dictionary says - "Social distancing, or physical distancing, is a set of infection control actions intended to stop or slow down the spread of a contagious disease" SO how come idiots are still going out and about in 2 or more? Including kids offering to cut people's grass (nice idea lads BUT NOT the time to be doing it). Me, i'm doing it, but there again, this meme  (right) sums me up.

The kids have been arguing over anything and everything and for no real reason. K seems to think hes turned 18 over night and is telling B what to do. J is still hiding out in his room and has even taking to tidying and cleaning it (lockdown more often???) Devil kitty has clawed my arm even more, she really dont like my right arm!

The weather has been really cold and windy so we didnt get the bouncy castle up. Despite pleas of i will wear a jumper - errr no garden on a slope NOT risking it.

J went to the shop as we needed gas and as he was there i asked him to get me some chocolate. Shortly after a friend shared the pic to right i had to laugh and said to the kids that it will be me at the end of all of this.

I have to agree with this last pic though, we are turning into house cats. The only difference is they can come and go as they please and we can't. I'm pretty sure they don't understand why we are all at home with them all the time. I'm hoping that the professionals are correct in that animals can't get cv19 as 2 of my older cats have both lost their voices and can't meow, it comes out as a squeak.

I did have the thought of counting holes in the sieve but decided that activity is for another day as i' NOT that bored yet! But days are young.

J decided that half a loaf of bread would make a good boob, you just need 2 for a pair and they big and squishy! OMG! I was howling when he put the wrapped bag of bread up his top! Please help!

I feel like i could sleep for days (nothing new there) but my energy levels had started to go back up but not now.

So what happens when your on lockdown and see flashing blue lights go past your house??? You (and every neighbour) are out in the garden, or hanging our of the windows to see what's going on. This is the most excitement the street has seen for days! God help us all IF this is the hi-light of our day/week!

DAY 13 - Sunday 29th March 2020

Tomorrow is day 90 of the year, therefore I would like to cancel 2020 before the 90day limit. Please send me information on how i go about doing this. If you can't send cancellation information please can you send chocolate (and lots of it).

So far this year has been bad, I can't see how it can get worse, but i'm sure that it probably can and will do! I know i've said before that I can't wait for this year to end but this year tops all previous years.

I read an article earlier that had "8 signs you may have had CV19 and not even known about - I had 7 of them. I had a persistant cough that lasted for 6weeks and every test my GP did came back negative and he referred me to ENT department for further testing.

I have done my bit to help the NHS/Carers today, a lady locally is making face masks and was asking for material - I had a black bin bag full of off cuts of various materials i was going to take chairty shop to go in their "rag bags" (not sellable clothes but can be weighed in). I posted that i had it and if of use they could have it, another lady came and collected from my doorstep.

As far as Sunday's go today has been like most weekends, nothing much happening.

DAY 14 - Monday 30th March 2020

Haha! yes, I did try and get the kids to do some school work this morning and was politely told "today is the 1st day of the Easter holidays, so no work for 2 weeks!" We shall see on that! If they start fighting and arguing I will make them!

There's still no blood been shed, there has been a few shouts from B as the other 2 are winding him up, he will take for so long before he hits one of them!

I'm pretty sure my hair was starting to look like this, thin, straggly and all over the place, with dye fading, no facial hair has grown though. Hair has been sorted with colour dye conditioners and it's back a red and purple.

J has been shopping (for groceries) and returned with a wind-up easter chick "apparently" for the kitten.... however, she is terrified of the scary looking critter BUT J was happily sat on the floor playing with it for 10mins. I think he is slowly going mad and this is early days yet!

Meme's are going crazy on FB and some are funny others are not. People are STILL ignoring my request of NOT sending me info linked to CV19 and i'm getting pissed off with it. The next plan is to remove those who are sending them to me.

I still have alcohol, toilet roll, hand gel and food, and ive not lost my marbles yet!


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