WEEK 42 – friends

 WEEK 42 – friends

For the theme of “friends” I have decided to write about my ancestor Cathie who over the years has become a good “friend” to me. Cathie is still living so I am not adding much about her in terms of dates etc.

A few months back we were talking and we worked out that we have been “friends” for nearly 20years. Our “friendship” has formed from an initial message along the lines of “we are researching the same people Robert Lackey and Mary Jane Jackson, please can you tell me how you are related to them?” We have shared many messages and certificates and helped each other with problems and research. We have sent Christmas and birthday cards and random gifts, we talk about things in our lives and not just the family tree. In all of the years of being “friends” we have never met though, as I live in the UK and Cathie lives in USA, we have both said we would love to be able to meet up at some point.

We have many times sent an email to the other at about the same time asking “I was just wondering how you are” etc. We can go weeks without speaking, but pick back up where we left off. We both know that the other is there is need to talk but also understand that life happens.

So a random message has made family a “friend”.


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