coronavirus (covid-19, CV19) we will survive this (or die trying to....) week 13
Week 13 has begun..... bring it on! It can't be any worse than what has gone before it!
DAY 85 - Tuesday 9th June 2020
It has been announced today that NOT all children (mainly primary school age) will be back in school for 1month like BOJO hoped, as it isn't practical (what us parents have been saying) and it is likely to be september at the earliest. I bet this image is Mums's everywhere and they are pulling their hair out and cursing him! (Even though they were in the group that has said their children are NOT going back until it is safe.
Me and B went to the beach again today, we didn't find much big sea glass but quite a lot of small bits, its really strange as last week i was wanting small and there was only big, but now i have a plan for using big bits i cant find any. I know there will be more as it always comes up on the shore here. B decided that he was going to climb the rocks and into the "caves" made under them.
Environmetal health came out to remove the wasps nest we had found, the guy poked it a couple of times, tapped it abit harder said there was nothing inside it and grabbed it. He threw it on the floor and stood on it. He then saw that there was a 2nd smaller one on the floor of the shed that had fallen off so he squashed that as well. i would NOT have been poking or grabbing at them!
We are all still as normal as we can be and nothing much else has happened.
To be fair i can't see that they can get much worse and NO that isn't a challenge to show that they can.
An OAP's nursing/care home in my town is ridden with CV19 - all bar 1 resident has got it. i do feel for them all, but this just shows that it isnt safe to be easing lockdwn or allowing kids back in schools.
happens every year, the blackbirds get so annoyed and make so much noise at the cats (which i get why) but they don't seem to move to another hedge to have their babies. It doesn't help that blackbirds push
the babies out and onto the ground.
Sadly this is what happens when you have cats, they are natural hunters and will go for birds and fish, mice, shrews, rats, rabbits and anything else they can fight and kill.
J is living very dangerously today i tell you. I called him downstairs and got "the flying monkey is responding to the call of the wicked witch of the west". How rude!!! i did laugh though.
We have a very wet bouncy castle. the guy for wasps removed it from the shed and placed in middle of garden and said to leave out overnight, which we did. However, it rained all night and most of today so it is soaked. i now need a couple of dry days so that it can be put up and left for a few hours to dry off. Sadly i dont have a warehouse or anything that i can put it up in to dry it off.
DAY 87 - Thursday 11th June 2020
I have coated all edges and bits of the shed in a citronella candle as wasps dont like the smell of it, so hopefully they wont come back. I've also ordered a fake wasp nest and other citronella bits to go in and around the shed.
If the unicorn says i'm fine then i believe it. If you dont like the decision or believe the unicorn is real then you may leave, i don't need that kind of negativity in my life.
Starla my cat is 5years old today. She is the most stupid cat going, the lights are on but nobody is home. She doesn't know how to come home after dark, its like she runs on solar power. If you put a blanket or cover over her head she lays there and goes to sleep - most cats will fight and find a way out. It's a good job she's pretty.
DAY 88 - Friday 12th June 2020
The boys have completed their school work, they are good most of the time with it. J hasn't got anything else to do as finished his course, he just needs to wait and see if anything needs re-doing over the next couple of weeks.
I received some more of the badges i had ordered for blankets today and B has told me where he wants his placing. they are all pinned ready for me to sew on. i think i need to teach him how to sew.
B and K are heading to their Dads this afternoon and J is going tomorrow after hes been out with his friends. This will be the 1st time in 13weeks that i haven't had at least one child.
Life seems to be slowly going back to what it was and it doesnt seem as hard but who knows what will happen next.
DAY 48889 - Saturday 13th june 2020
Skitty kitty woke me up at 4:20am with her rattly mouse cat toy she was chasing round my bed. This time and my bed are NOT the place for it. Thanks cat!
The govenment latest as of today is that those who are lone families can create "social bubbles" with another lone family and congregate together. This isnt going to end well.
There has been more protests linked to "Black Lives Matter" following a black man who was killed by white police. Thing is the protests are becoming violent and they damaging statues etc. Its about time people realise ALL lives matter.
DAY 90 - Sunday 14th June 2020
At this point in time i do believe that anything is possible. Is it the lock ness monster? is it a dinosaur? is it an alien? is it me before coffee? i really dont know and really dont care. So this morning at 3:50am it was Flame's turn to wake me up - sat outside in the front garden meowing her head off as she had brought me a present of a mouse! (She wouldn't come in before i went to bed.) Gee thanks cat, i appreciate the gesture but NOT at this hour.
i've got really sore fingers due to giving a cloth badge a "make-over" it was too pink for my liking so i went at it with purple and silver thread. I have to say it does look really nice and possibly better than it did - what do you think? A friend who sent me the original badge also thinks it looks better. i did have it in blue but B saw it and wanted it, i said yes as long as i could get a replacement of it. i can't even remember where i got it from many years ago, guessing ebay or a scout/guide badge site. i'm really pleased with how it has turned out.
I posted this on FB this evening and i dont care how many people unfriend me for it, if they do it shows the post is true -
I’m sick of all the conflicting information about covid-19; sick of black vs. white and who is the better race; sick of left versus right and in versus out; sick of gay vs. straight vs trans ET AL people; sick of Christians vs atheists and other religious arguments, sick of vandalism and criminal damage and i'm REALLY sick of the media hyping things up and making them worse than what they are and not sharing both sides to a story.
I’m sick of no one being allowed to have their own opinion and voice and to think what they want & feel what they want to without offending someone else. I'm sick of people who kick off when anyone does anything they don’t approve of. I'm sick of blaming the majority of people for the sins of a few. We’re all one race—the human race.
You want to support Republicans do it; You want to support Democrats do it; support who you want to and don't feel bad about it. You want to believe in God, believe in God. You want to believe in magical creatures that fly around & sprinkle fairy dust to make life better? do it. If you want to believe in ghosts and spirits go for it. BUT Stop thrusting your beliefs onto others & not being able to deal with the fact that they don’t have the exact same mindset that you do. Having our own minds is what makes us all individual and different as people. Everyone is allowed to think and believe in their own thing.
If you can’t handle the fact that your friends have opposing views to you, then you are not any better than the bigots and the racists and vandals that are causing havoc and misery and trying to get attention. And your certainly not a good friend.
You don’t have to agree with everything that you see or read from others in order to be a decent human being and friend.
I don't care what race, religion, sex, gender, colour or anything else you are - if your honest and true to me i will be the same to you. A true friend will support your beliefs and decisions even if they dont personally agree with them and they will always be there for you no matter what!!!
(if you dont like my post feel free to find a delete button).
if you do agree with this Copy and paste if you are brave enough. (edit it if you want).
Not much else to report, me and my bestie have spent time sending insults to each other today, good times!
DAY 91 - Monday 15th June 2020
A few people have liked and commented on post/rant of yesterday, not sure if anyone has actually removed me for it but i'm past caring what other people think. I am me, what you see is what you get, if you dont like it then tough luck.
i'm not sure what time it was last night/this morning but the local cats choir decided that they were going to rehearse outside, it wasn't mine as they were all inside. Maybe they were trying to get mine to go outside. However, the cats meowing loudly started a dog barking which in turn made my dog bark. FGS!
I've had enough of my mattress now being uncomfortable and have ordered a topper to go on it. Its a sealey which is a good make so hopefully it will be comfy.
The lesser spotted K in his (un)natural habitat. Bless him hes balanced on the top of a fence post with an electric hedge cutter in his hand. He's a good lad and has worked his way along the hedge on our side. next door have asked if he will do theirs as well and they will pay him. Shortly after this was taken we gave up for today as both of us were hot and tired - i
We plan to go out and do some more tomorrow if the weather is dry. This took less time than
last year when he cut it all with garden shears
as thats all we had to use. Whilst K was in the hedge he found an empty birds nest - what surprised me is that it had ginger cat fur inside it - if it's from my cat how or where did they get the fur? i only ever seem to find her fur on clothes she has laid on. It amazes me of how well they are made with such precision and detail and they are held together purely by the weaving of twigs and grass etc.
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