DAY 113 - Tuesday 7th July 2020
This has gone on for long enough now, BUT it's far from over! Parts of the UK have now set their own local lock-down due to more outbreaks of CV19, and many other countries have gone back into lockdown due to a 2nd wave. This is going to happen in the UK i'm sure of it. Digging a tunnel does seem like a good idea, but not sure where i would dig it to, and i think it will take me ages to do.
I have today told the company to issue me a FULL refund as they still havent sent my order and have said they will send confirmation IF the order is dispatched (not when). Other people have had similar issues and posted on line that tracking numbers are not valid, can't get hold of anyone to sort it, parcels lost etc. I have placed the order with another company, so fingers crossed it arrives.
Considering we have been home for 113days we are all still doing ok. I can't say the same for one of my friends, who came home from work to find a finger stuck to her ceiling - the kids wouldnt tell her what it was stuck with. She did initally panic until she had checked the kids and they all had the correct amount! it was a halloween one.
DAY 114 - Wednesday 8th July 2020
If creatures like this start to make a re-appearance it would not surprise me to be honest. The way things are at the moment anything is actually possible and believable! I also think it could be quite useful to be on our side battling the invisible illness. I'm sure he is very nice and friendly, just mis-understood.
I really hope that on New Years Eve
everyone stands outside at midnight and shouts "Jumanji" and ends the game. 2020 really sucks. Bats, toilet roll shortage, being locked at home etc. I really have had it with this programme NOT doing what it should and wrapping text around photos. It works on the 1st only, and even then its NOT straight forward to do. i dont know if its something i'm doing wrong on what.
As fast as we seem to tidy one area another gets messy as we are moving things from place to place. lol! I guess if i wasn't such a hoarder things would be easier. Me and K went up in the loft looking for fake tea-lights and he was like "WOW there's so much stuff up here!" And he's right there is. I have boxes of xmas decorations all sorted into colours - browns, bronze and gold, pink and purple, blue and silver and lastly black. Then there is a box of xmas lights and boxes of parcel lights and window lights, sofa throws and other ornaments. There is loads of boxes of halloween stuff - spiders and webbing in a box, there is Harry Potter stuff, Pirate stuff, Glow in the dark stuff, fancy dress (of which half probably doesn't fit anyone), and various bits brand new and never used "that seemed a good idea to buy". We are going to back up and bring things down and go through them (creating more mess out of the loft) in order to get rid of some of it. BUT it also means we can lay more floor boards up in the loft and move the racking to store things neater.
I am soooo tired as not sleeping well again, pain, cant shut mind off, the kitten etc. BUT i know i will still be awake for hours.
DAY 115 - Thursday 9th July 2020
This is sooooo my cats, the kitten especially likes laying in my arms and on my keyboard. It's not too bad at times but when she suddenly turns into her evil self and starts clawing and biting its not good. She has managed to send random messages to people, open and close tabs on the internet, at this point in time I wouldn't be shocked if DPD did turn up with a baby alpaca that she (or the kids) have ordered!
Cornavirus can't really scare me, i have 3 children! And as per this pic yes i've lived through Bird Flue, Swine flu (had it), Measles (had it along with Mumps and chicken pox not listed), Ebola, Y2K, 2012 and Justin Bieber, I'm sure i can live through this!
A random thought though, IF DNA tests can be done via a swab from your mouth (that is full of germs) why can't they do the CV19 test the same way? Why do you need tilt your head so far back its going to fall off and then have a swab shoved all the way back to your brain? - Are they actually testing you OR are they implanting the virus in you to make their "herd immunity" they keep going on about. Even more reasons that i dont want it done. I dont trust the government and their tactics at all, nor do i believe anything that they say linked to this whole virus thing. It has been one rule for them and one for everyone else, this is NOT the way that you lead people.
This is very true, i still have earrings from when I was a teenager that still fit me, even if my clothes don't fit. lol! And i can eat chocolate and other junk food and my ears dont get any bigger or fatter! I'm sure there are many people who would be pleased to see this. I did buy some new jeans as mine were too tight (they started social distancing weeks ago) and i had 2 different sizes that i couldnt fit into, so bought the next size up and they are far too big, so guessing the bigger of the 2 sizes i had have shrunk from washing. I also didnt think i had put on THAT much weight again. Oh well thats the way of things.
My sister came up today to see us and stay for a few days. we've not seen her since christmas as she lives over 5hrs away. And due to lockdown not been able to see her.
DAY 116 - Friday 10th July 2020
I like this, i think i could be one of those dogs - fat, wrinkles and sleeping!!! HAHA! It does look like a towel, i quite often find them in a heap like this on my bathroom floor and the boys bedrooms. It's not as if it's hard to place on a hook or take back to bathroom and place on a hook, especially as they have to pass the bathroom to get back downstairs! The joys of teenagers i guess. I can't wait for the day that i can go to their house, make a mess and leave stuff all over the floor like they do at mine.We went shopping, it was mad, 1 way systems everywhere around town, people not keeping to them or social distancing. Then when i got home i saw the news that the place we had been to has the highest increase in CV19 cases at the moment. GREAT! JUST GREAT! Just what we need. NOT!
Tonight B was enrolled as a Scout, he made his promise online via zoom as part of the online virtual camp they were holding. He helped cook tea on the outdoor fire as well. He was going to camp outside but as it turned very cold he didn't so we put up another tent indoors and he slept in that.
DAY 117 - Saturday 11th July 2020
YET AGAIN, this stupid site wont text wrap around a picture! I give up with it.
The picture i can soooo imagine the virus like that and it moving and dancing about. Even if you could see it like this i still dont think stupid people would get it! At one point there used to be 1 village idiot, nowdays i think the village idiots have reproduced and we have many stupid people everywhere.
Today B and K took part in the great indoors scout weekend, doing tasks and activities through out the day. I helped B make a bottle rocket and we both got covered in vinegar and baking powder where it exploded! It was good fun though. B slept in the tent in lounge again, K was going to stay outside in the tent out there but was taken ill with a mirgraine and went to bed, bless him.
DAY 118 - Sunday 12th July 2020
Yep, i'm sure they are all planning world take over and how to kill us all. I'm sure the evil kitty is the instigator of it all. The only thing that doesn't work is that my cats wont sit together like this, they spit and hiss at each other and fight. Oh to have some animals that get along like this it would be lovely.
Talking of cats there is still no news on Magic my black cat who went missing at the beginning of lockdown. There has been a few possible sightings but hes been gone by the time we get there. There is nearly 30 cats missing in the neighbourhood since lockdown and this is NOT normal!
My sister had never been to Parton (the rocky beach near me),
this is where i get all my sea glass and pottery from as it
washes up on the shore. So we set off armed with tubs to put it all into. And before long my sister was a pro at the sea glass stoop! She even found a really big piece of blue glass. Luckily for her she found a Hagstone as well. These are meant to be lucky to the finder. We had lots of glass and pottery and even found a pottery head.
From here we headed to grab some lunch and then went to St Bees beach, 3miles the other way from Parton and again somewhere my sister had never been to. The tide was coming back in but there was still some beach to walk on. My sister said it was really beautiful and shes glad she went. I can spend hours at either of the above beaches - the rocky on collecting glass and pottery or the sandy one just sunbathing whilst the boys run about and play.
Phoebe has still not really come downstairs and doesn't seem to like my sister, and the dog is growling every time she comes near him. No idea why the pair of them are like this!
Due to pain and not sleeping well the past few days i have no energy at all.
DAY 119 - Monday 13th July 2020
Oh yes i can agree with this so much,we have been sat at home looking at the same 4 walls for nearly 18weeks now. Dreaming of the day that quarantine and lockdown will end. It looked like it was getting close happening as things were being eased, but im 99% certain we are very close to the 2nd wave of it as cases are on the increase, pubs and club are back open and people dont seem to understand social distancing at the best of times let alone after drinking as they want to be near everyone! A video was shared on the news about local clubs and the ques of people close together and the same inside the pubs. it's not good. and in many ways makes the past few months a waste of time.
I have started a new business venture, i'm quite excited about it and hope that it pays off. But who knows. It's going to take some time to get established and start selling things. But once i get in the hang of it, it should become easier and my best friend is my upline so i know i have good support if i need it. ![](
This could actually happen, but the people receiving parcels are "fed-up" of how long they are taking and the state some of them arrive in. I had a new tent arrive and it wasn't even sealed in its outer layer - it was just wrapped in it and the guy asked me to check if it was all there or some missing.
I'm sure this is how many of us are actually looking at the moment!!!!
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