Coronavirus (Covid-19, CV19) - We will survive this (or dye trying to)....week 9

week 9 of this madness...

DAY 57 - Tuesday 12th May 2020

Day 2222 (also more commonly known as day 57). Life as we know it, this is now the normal we know. No one know what to do and every day is the same.

This is how i feel about BOJO at the moment, but i do feel the 5th voice is thinking the same thing as the other 4 and also wants to bury him!

The questions below were shared on FB and me and the boys answered them, our answers are as follows:

Ask your child and have a giggle, not only now but in a memory a year from now. Blake 10, Kenzie 14, Jarred 17, Me 38
  • What is the Corona virus? - A virus, Exactly that a virus – a web of virus’s, I don’t no, A pain in the bloody arse
  • Who is the prime minister? - Bojo a big fat ugly man, A useless sack of shit that’s trying his best, Borris johnson, A knobjockey that is trying to kill off more people
  • How many days have we been in lockdown? 9weeks, Between 63-70 but I stopped counting after week 1, Too many, 50 plus
  • What is mum wearing today? pjs, Nightie, pjs n slippers, pjs, pjs
  • Do you want to go back to school? When??? If I get to see my friends and not get coronavirus then yes, yes, Kids to only when its safe
  • Who is the first person you are going to hug when lockdown ends? I don’t know, My bed as I don’t want to leave it, I don’t know probably someone on the bus, Dave
  • Where is the first place you want to go when lockdown ends? anywhere, Somewhere I can meet up with my friends, College away from you lot, to see my best friend
  • What do you think we can do to get rid of the coronavirus? Kill the stupid chinese, Kill everyone who has it and maybe those who been in contact with it, Kill everyone and I mean everyone, Not lift lockdown this early
  •  Is mummy a good teacher? yes, For ideas on essays yes, noooo, i try to be
  • If corona virus was an animal what animal would it be? dead, Bat or snake as they can transfer it to humans, Spider or a bat lol, A nasty one
  • How did the Coronavirus start? Chinese people eating bats. Chinese piece of shit eating bat, Some Chinese bloke decided to scran a bat, Chinese people eating raw bloody bats
  • 12.   If you had to wear protective clothing to help you what would it be? The correct stuff, Haz-mat suit, The correct stuff, Whatever needed

DAY 58 - Wednesday 13th May 2020

HAHA! This is so my house, all 3 of them haven't stopped eating. This is not just today but everyday. I have even limited them to 1 bag of crisps, 1 chewy bar, 1 fruity snack and 1 ice cream a day - they can have as much fruit as they like! I've lost count how many times i've heard "i'm hungry but there's nothing to eat!" the cupboards all full of food!

I have to admit that i am like rabbit and NOT tigger, I don't do mornings, unlike B - he is up at the crack of dawn everyday and is bouncing about and full of energy. Whereas me, i'm also like bugs in the next pic, tired and half asleep most of the day and then can't get to sleep at night. The joys!

B has done all of his school work that has been set - well chores and slave labour as hes called it! No maths or english BUT hoovering, mopping, jigsaw puzzles etc. He even had the cheek to ask his teacher if there was a prize if he completed all of his bingo boxes, but that's my boy!

DAY 4444(59) - Thursday 14th May 2020

Day 4444(59) also known as day 59, even though it feels MUCH longer than this.

This was today, the weather was nice (ish) so I asked J if he would cook a BBQ for us all, he said it depended if he got his college work done on time. Plus it had to be lit earlier than normal as B had his scout meeting.

B's scout meeting was to take part in a Harry Potter Digital Escape room. They were all put into groups with a leader and had to work together to try and get out. B managed to do a few bits to help but he wasn't able to stay to the end as we had said we were going out, they have emailed it to me so he can try tomorrow.

J left his bedroom and the house and was actually dressed (sorry if you've just fainted whilst reading this!) i was in shock too. He went to the basketball court for an hour on his own. He said there was no one about up near it either. He's happy that he can go there, especially as he broke our hoop.

We went up to the main road from our house to watch the convoy for the NHS and keyworkers. I had seen other people's videos of it but actually being up there to see it was something else, most vehicles had lights flashing, banners and bunting, balloons etc, not to mention their horns blasting. It's things like this that make me proud to be british (and an adopted cumbrian). Well done to all involved. It's something that you are not likely to see again (unless you go up every week.)

DAY 4242(60) Friday 15th May 2020

I'm the captain of this crazy ship, not the cat like it thinks it is. However, I do think that the cats are losing hope of ever getting peace and quiet again. They have taken up fighting amongst themselves, staying in seperate rooms from the other cats but still demanding food!

I found this online and thought i would add to here. I'm not 100% sure that this is the correct name or why its called what it is but it fits and thats good enough for me!

I've seen 2 articles linked to schools (where i used to live) that were open for the chidren of keyworkers only and they have been closed due to cv19 infections in them - there are only a handful of kids at them and they can't stop the virus spreading, so what hope is there of not stopping it in 2weeks when schools are MEANT to be re-opening for more kids. it's not going to happen. There has also been an article that the "R" rate has spiked back up (this is linked to how many people are infecting others), this was obvious it was going to happen and is only going to get worse now lock-down measures have been lifted!

DAY 61 - Saturday 16th May 2020

This is exactly how things are! I'm not a people person, i dont have the time or patience to deal with people and their bullshit, yet i dont like to be alone! There are a handful of people i do like to be around but due to this cv19 i can't even meet up with them.

OH YES! i'm sure that every single parent in the UK (and possibly the world) can feel this! Whether you have 1, 3 or 5plus kids, it is a constatnt "i'm hungry" and "what can i have to eat". I did ask them if they are like this at school and said they can use their school stomachs and got told in various forms of "yea we like it at school why do you think we take snacks with us!" Give me strength!!! It's not only snacks but boxes of breakfast cereal seem to last 2days between the 3 of them - their bowls are filled to overflowing. Not to mention them having them as a snack at all hours of day and night! How they are not the size of elephants is beyond me.

We've not really done much today.

 DAY 62 - Sunday 17th May 2020

I'm pretty sure my eyes are like this today, i've had more coffee than usual but then i didnt sleep well last night and the animals woke me up this morning!

Many people are doing the Joe Wicks exercise thing every day, my cats have decided that they are better than him and think all humans should copy them! (i take no responsibility if you fall off your sofa, get stuck on the floor or get arrested for doing so!) I had Flame sat in the lounge window sill like it at Phoebe sat on the climbing tree doing it!

I've spent yet another day in my pjs and so have the kids, yet i have 2 full baskets of washing infront of the machine, a load in the machine and a load in the dryer. HOW??? i'm sure there are people living in my house and wearing our clothes that i have never met or ever seen. Either that or the cats are wearing them or maybe dressing the dog up, i don't know!

I spoke to my best friend today, (for over an hour), as per normal we talked utter shite half the time, but we were both having a good laugh which is the main thing. We are sooooo alike yet sooooo different at the same time.

DAY 63 - Monday 18th May 2020

This is why there are no unicorns left! But i guess in desperate times you do what you have to do right?

J went shopping again, got 90% of the list. But told me he couldn't find my Apple & Raspberry drink in the squash ailse so got Cherry and Berry. I just looked at him and said "that's because it is in a carton in the fridge!" LOL! B being B pipes up "i've met more intelligent raindrops!" OMG proper howling at these 2. They can be so funny at times.

I wish i had found this weeks ago, (9weeks ago to be exact at the start of all this). Whoever made it is very correct - the more you argued with your Mum over being grounded the longer she extended it for. The best thing was to accept it as much as you didnt want to so it would end sooner. Shame people didn't actually see or understand this. But then, back in the 90's when i was teenager i have to say that my gob and attitude got me grounded for longer as i kept on argueing or breaking the rules and going out!

HAHA! I can actually see this happening and the amount of claims will be through the roof. Also add to them "did you suffer due to the toilet roll shortage?" It's what they says though where's there's blame there's a claim. I wonder who would be paying it all???

ME and B have spent the day sorting out his school project for this week. He has written the basic plan in his book and started looking for pictures to go on it. It should be good when hes finished.

YAY!!! Week 9 is done! Nailed it.


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