family history

I originally started looking into the family tree back in 1995 when I was 13 years old and it was part of a badge for guides or st john ambulance. The tree was drawn/written on paper and had only a few people in it. I still have this tree in the boxes of family tree stuff.

I was told by many living relatives that I was not allowed to do the family tree due to things I would find out and they would upset others. Well I didn't listen and I went ahead and did it. 1 of my uncles told me and my mum loads of things linked to the family that were covered up (very well I may add). This means that I have information BUT I can't prove it due to the cover ups.

1 cover up I was able to prove was via information on a death certificate - I had been called a liar when I said about what I knew - £9 and a death certificate later I showed I was right, however, I was still told the information was fake!

Another issue was that linked to my Mum's Dad, family member's said that she was her what turned out to be her step-father's child, and where I posted photos and information on her real Dad it caused lots of questions and upset. (Oh well, i'm me and I always do my own thing regardless.)

My Mum's side of the family has been much easier to trace than most of my Dad's. Her family were mainly from Cambridgshire, Norfolk, Suffolk and Kent areas (also London and a few scattered places). Dad's side of the family seem to be all over the place, and more so came to the UK from Ireland of which records are few and far between.

Over the years I have had subscriptions to many websites and used many forums and such. All of which have given me some answers, help from other members and more experience in researching.


  1. Family Secrets are normally well hidden, but good for you to stick to your guns


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