Week 7 (Feb. 15-21): Unusual Source – village notice board

 Week 7 (Feb. 15-21): Unusual Source – village notice board

From Amy Johnson-Crow - Week 7's theme is "Unusual Source." Not all of our genealogy discoveries come in the "regular" sources like vital records and the census. What is a discovery that you've made using an unusual source?

An online Village notice board linked to Saintfield, Ireland is the most “unusual source” that I have gathered information about my ancestors from. Well, technically speaking I didn’t get the information about them off the notice board, I posted an advert onto it a few years ago asking for any information linked to my family who had lived in the area in the 1800's and possibly any who are still living today, and I heard nothing, that was until a couple of weeks ago.

I had a lady message me saying she had seen my advert online on the village notice board linked to my “Lackey and Jackson” family of Saintfield, Ireland. She believed she could help me out with some information relating to them. 

She informed me that there are still some living Lackey's in the area as well as some Lackey graves in Saintfield still, but may of the family moved to other areas of Ireland like Belfast but mostly they moved to the mainland of England. She also said that due to accents and such most of what I class as Lackey are actually LECKEY in Ireland. With regards to those who moved to England she went on that I obviously knew about those in West Rainton, Durham (as my advert says about them), she went on and asked if I knew of and if  I was related to the Lackey family of Whitehaven, Cumbria, (where I now live), and also those of Harrington and other parts of Cumbria. Errr no I didn’t.

From this piece of information I set about looking for the said people in the local area and ended up setting up a mini tree linked to them. This was so that I could add any information I found to it and try to prove a connection to my family so that I could eventually add to my main tree; (I don’t add to that anymore unless I know there is a link as I have had to delete many wrong people in the past). 

As it stands I’ve not made a link to the Lackey’s of Whitehaven YET! BUT I have to those of Harrington which is 8miles away. The grandfather of the Harrington "branch of the Lackey’s" was the brother of my 2nd Great Grandfather Robert Lackey. As per the ladies information, the Harrington branch all ended up as Leckey’s on documents. Many of these moved out of the Cumbria area to other parts of England, this explains how the name is scattered here and there and seems to only be the odd one or two family units.

From the above I now have 5 mini trees and some random names on a list that I am trying to link to my Lackey family. Although it is a common name in Ireland it isn’t in England and more so in Cumbria, so I am convinced that they are linked and hopefully one day I will prove it. As I am finding records online linked to the family in Cumbria and then further afield I am addding them to the tree they link to (mini ones).

I’m grateful to the lady contacting me via my “unusual source” of a village notice board.


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