Week 9 (February 26th -March 3rd ): Disaster
From Amy Johnson Crow - Our ancestors were no strangers to hardship and loss. We should remember those stories as much as we remember the stories of triumph. Our ancestors faced any number of disasters — natural, personal, financial. Perhaps you've had a disaster in your research. How did they (or you) overcome it? (Or maybe they didn't?) Where I thought last week’s theme was hard this weeks has been even harder. I honestly couldn’t think of any “ disaster ” linked to any of my family. Yes, I had Irish ancestors but none that I could link to the potato famine, I haven’t found any that were on sinking ships like the Titanic, no bankruptcy that I knew of and I was very close to saying “this theme is a “ disaster ” as I can’t do it.” Then as I was really losing all hope of being able to do a good story, I received a “ hint ” on ancestry linked to a distant relative – the husband of my 3 rd Great Aunt, George Cousins to be precise. Now I know not all ancestry “ hints” are ...