52 ancestors Week 10 (Mar. 8-14): Name’s the Same – Ralph Clemett/Clement Harrison Ragg/Wragg
Week 10 (Mar. 8-14): Name’s the Same – Ralph Clemett/Clement Harrison Ragg/Wragg For this week’s theme of “ names the same ” my original idea was to do a graph showing how many people had the same name (eg James, John, Mary etc) but then I had a better idea. For it though I need to give you a bit of a background story so it makes sense. Background : Many years ago; I came across an ancestor (my Great Grand Uncle) by the name of Clemett Harrison Wragge Lackey born 1909 in Durham England. It seemed a very unusual name and one that wasn’t linked to his father’s side of the family (the Lackey’s) and from what I could tell only part of his mothers – it wasn’t her name fully except the Wragge part as that was her maiden name (Edith Mary Wragge who was born 1872 in Sunderland). I guessed it was linked to his grandmother on the mother’s side, and again I hit a big blank no. So as it was I left it, guessing that the family had picked a random name for their son. Move forward to 2020 and ...