
Showing posts from March, 2021

52 ancestors Week 10 (Mar. 8-14): Name’s the Same – Ralph Clemett/Clement Harrison Ragg/Wragg

  Week 10 (Mar. 8-14): Name’s the Same – Ralph Clemett/Clement Harrison Ragg/Wragg For this week’s theme of “ names the same ” my original idea was to do a graph showing how many people had the same name (eg James, John, Mary etc) but then I had a better idea. For it though I need to give you a bit of a background story so it makes sense. Background : Many years ago; I came across an ancestor (my Great Grand Uncle) by the name of Clemett Harrison Wragge Lackey born 1909 in Durham England. It seemed a very unusual name and one that wasn’t linked to his father’s side of the family (the Lackey’s) and from what I could tell only part of his mothers – it wasn’t her name fully except the Wragge part as that was her maiden name (Edith Mary Wragge who was born 1872 in Sunderland). I guessed it was linked to his grandmother on the mother’s side, and again I hit a big blank no. So as it was I left it, guessing that the family had picked a random name for their son. Move forward to 2020 and ...

Week 9 (Mar. 1-7): Multiples - Arthur Wood

  Week 9 (Mar. 1-7): Multiples - Arthur Wood I initially thought of twins or triplets for this theme of “ multiples ”, but as far as my mind recalls there is only one set of twins I know of and I used them for the same theme last year. Then, as I was looking for a cert for someone, I came to Arthur Wood’s marriage Certificate and a thought came to me linked to him. Many years ago when I first started looking into the family tree my Dad (Peter William Lackey, Grandson of Arthur) gave me loads of photos and luckily he went through he remembered in them. The image left shows my Dad, Arthur Wood and his wife Mary Elizabeth Mitchell. It is believed to be about 1946.  As I recall he remembered spending time with Grandad Arthur and his wife as a child, Arthur was always smoking (even the picture), they fun fun people to be with and that they had a strong accent, which turned out to be Yorkshire. This information and a name wasn’t much to go on at the time. In order to find Arthur I h...

Week 8 (Feb. 22-28): Power – Electricity

  Week 8 (Feb. 22-28): Power – Electricity This weeks them of “power” has totally stumped me. I had to leave it and eventually come back to it. I have no one with this name in my tree, nor anything that relates to it. The only ancestor that was “sort of linked to “ power ” was Clemett Harrison Wragge Lackey who was an Electrical Engineer and Scientist. But I used him for a 52/52 last year. I have decided to do this week as a thank you to the History of Electricity, because without the “power ” it supplies to my house I would be very stuck with regards to family history. I am not in a position where I can go trapsing round cemetery’s library’s half of the country etc to find my ancestors records, BUT I am able to use online records that I can find and access due to having “ power” supplied to my home. Not only does the power allow me to run my laptop and the internet but so many other things in my home. I can’t imagine living a life without having any. So, I send a big thank...